Natika T. Johnson, M.S., M.Ed., LPC, LCDC, NCC

Owner & Psychotherapist


I'm Natika T. Johnson - Owner and Psychoherapist of Higher Vibrations Counseling Services. My journey as a mental health professional began with a passionate mission to destigmatize mental health care in the Black community. As a “hood baby” who migrated from Buffalo, NY to Marin City, CA in my youth, it was taboo to even suggest that anyone had anxiety, depression, or needed therapy or a psychiatrist. It wasn’t until I took my first psychology course in 12th grade that I was able to interpret my elders complaints of “my nerves are bad” as having anxiety.

My observations of disheveled crackheads wandering aimlessly down the street while engaging in full-blown conversations with themselves, complete with hand gestures and animated faces, really meant that they were struggling with psychosis, among other things. All that I experienced and learned in that course fueled the fire within me to become an agent of change for Black people in the mental health space.

My expertise is helping high-achieving Black women get unstuck, navigate through life challenges, transform their relationships, and accomplish their goals. High-achieving Black women struggling with anxiety, depression, people-pleasing, and perfectionism typically seek me out. I have a host of credentials in my bag, which professionally qualify me to facilitate your process of healing. Additionally, I have personally navigated these challenges and continue to engage in my own lifelong healing work, so I deeply empathize with the pain of feeling stuck. I see you!

I have a wealth of clinical experience, including working with various underserved populations, adolescent and adult populations in community mental health, the juvenile justice system, adult probation, residential treatment, a psychiatric hospital, non-profit organizations, and private practice. The depth of my experience has helped shape me into a competent and well-rounded professional. This isn't just a career for me; it's a calling. Together, let's embark on a transformative journey towards healing and empowerment. I look forward to helping you move from surviving to thriving. You are not alone; you're home!